Montag, 23. Juli 2018

top 6 tips to read more

I've always been quite a fast reader - there were times when I used to read one (normal-sized) book per day. Which is quite a lot.
However, the problem I had with that was that I used to read even at times I didn't really want to just because I wanted to read as many books as possible. Which is entirely stupid and over that mind set, I kind of lost the joy in reading which was very devastating for me.
So I thought I'd share some tips with you today on how to read more WITHOUT getting overwhelmed and forcing yourself to read.
Reading should be something you want to do in your freetime and forcing yourself on a book will just reduce your enjoyment reading it.
So without further ado, here are my tips:

1. include reading in your daily routine
I, for instance, always read while eating. When I went to school my family left the house at different times so I was always alone eating my breakfast which was really boring - so I started to read. That habit stayed with me up until now so it's an integral part of my routine. Of course, you can apply this to any part of your routine, whenever it suits you best.

2. take a book with you wherever you go
I don't know how often I stranded somewhere waiting for something and I didn't know how to pass the time. For that reason, I got into the habit of always taking a book with me (sometimes even two lol), wherever I go. That way, when I have some spare time along the way, I can always read.

3. read several books at once
Personally, I'm quite a mood reader and sometimes I'm in the middle of a book and find myself craving another genre. In the past I would have tried to get through the book that I was already reading as quickly as possible so that I could go on reading the one that I really wanted to read but honestly, that's very stupid. Though I still prefer reading just one book at a time, sometimes it's just inevitable to pick up more than one if your mood changes.

4. DNF the books you don't like
I know, I said it - the bad word. DO NOT FINISH. There you go - for a long time, that has been my worst nightmare. What if I would enjoy the book after a hundred more pages? What if I was missing out on something if I didn't finish it?
I'm going to tell you something: the only thing you're going to miss out on are the thousands and millions of other books you could be reading and actually enjoying instead of holding on to a book you don't like. Because if I don't like a book, I often find myself putting off reading it and then forcing myself to read and then, again, losing joy in reading. And that's not what we want, is it?
And if it comforts you - you can always pick up a book another time.

5. find your best reading environment
This may sound a bit odd at first but for me, it's very crucial. For instance, I'm very sensitive when it comes to noises - it has to be very silent when I'm reading because otherwise, I get distracted very easily and can't concentrate on my reading.
I can read best at night in bed or in the garden or when I'm alone at home, I read on the sofa but I absolutely can't read with music or when there are people talking because then I'll read the same page over and over again without taking anything in.
People are very different when it comes to things like that so the best advice I can give you is to just try out different reading spots and see what works best for you.

6. listen to audiobooks
This may not work vor everyone (I am VERY picky when it comes to audiobooks) but if you're spending a lot of time driving or doing housework or whatever, you can get some reading done with listening to audiobooks while doing that.
If you're new to audiobooks and don't want to spend a lot of money on them because you don't know if you'll like them, I recommend checking out the audiobooks they have on Spotify because they're absolutely free.

So those were my top tips on how to read more. You probably heard some of them before but maybe I could still help you out a bit.
If you have any more tips, I would love to read them in the comments!

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